
Showing posts from November, 2019

Top 12 Tallest Buildings in Asia

             also visit Top 12 Tallest Buildings in Asia


                                                 also     visit TOP 10 LARGEST ECONOMIES IN 2050 Each year, PricewaterhouseCoopers predicts the size of the largest economies in the world in the year 2050. It shows a dramatic shift in the global power balance. Right now the world economy is still dominated by the economies of Western countries. The economies of the USA, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and Canada are all in the current top 10 of largest economies in the world. But in 2050, all of that has changed. Then, the economies of China, India, Indonesia, Brazil and Mexico have made huge steps into the top 10 of largest economies in the world. By then, China and India will be the number 1 and 3 economies in t...

10 Best Places to Visit in China - Travel Video

China, the gateway to East Asia, is a fascinating country. It is an ancient civilization that gave the world Peking Man, gunpowder and noodles. Visitors making their first trip to China usually stick to the larger cities. More experienced visitors to the Middle Kingdom will strike out in other directions, where traveling may be a bit more frustrating because of the language barrier, but most definitely doable for independent travelers. Here’s a look at the best places to visit in China:

Mahfud MD Presiden Tidak Setuju Menghidupkan GBHN dan Amandemen Konstitusi

Memasuki periode kedua, Presiden Jokowi diwarisi problem politik, hukum, HAM dan demokrasi yang tidak ringan. Mulai dari ancaman radikalisme yang kabarnya kian nyata, komitmen pemberantasan korupsi yang dipertanyakan, sampai problem demokrasi yang prinsipil seperti Amandemen Konstitusi dan dikembalikannya GBHN. credit:- cnn indonesia